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The new regulations concerning the organization of the radiation protection was published in the OJ on June 5, 2018 and the ATSR was the first to be able to interview Mr. Thierry LAHAYE on the subject.


Regulatory Developments:


Circular no. 6388-SG of December 28, 2022  relating to the performance of measurements of the internal contamination of people in situations of radiological emergency and long-term exposure, to the use and dissemination of their results.

Order of December 23, 2022 relating to the approval of decision no. 2022-DC-0744 of the Nuclear Safety Authority of October 13, 2022 relating to the objectives, duration and content of personnel training programs who perform radon activity concentration measurements.

Order of December 23, 2022  relating to the Joint Prevention Commission of the Ministry of Defence.

Order of December 23, 2022 modifying the order of 9 August 2012 setting the specific organizational arrangements for the prevention of occupational risks at the Ministry of Defence.

Decree n°2022-1606 of December 21, 2022  modifying decree no. 2012-422 of March 29, 2012 relating to occupational health and safety at the Ministry of Defence.

Order of December 21, 2022 relating to the approval of decision no. 2022-DC-0745 of the Nuclear Safety Authority of October 13, 2022 relating to the transmission of the results of the radon activity concentration measurements carried out in establishments open to the public mentioned in article D. 1333-32 of the public health code.

Order of December 19, 2022  modifying the decree of May 29, 2009 relating to the transport of dangerous goods by land (known as the "TMD decree").

Decree n°2022-1588 of December 19, 2022relating to the definition of types of use in the management of polluted sites and soils.

Decree n°2022-1547 of December 9, 2022 provided for by article L. 542-1-2 of the environment code and establishing the requirements of the national radioactive materials and waste management plan.

Order of December 9, 2022 taken pursuant to decree no. 2022-1547 of December 9, 2022 provided for by article L. 542-1-2 of the environment code and establishing the requirements of the national waste management plan radioactive materials and waste.

Order of November 15, 2022 granting exemption from the ban on the addition of radionuclides, set out in Article R. 1333-2 of the Public Health Code, for the use of neutron analysis by Ciments CALCIA.

Order of October 24, 2022  relating to the methods and frequencies of checks on the rules put in place by the person responsible for a nuclear activity.

Decree n°2022-1238 of September 16, 2022relating to the operating conditions of heavy equipment for imaging and the activity of interventional radiology care.

Decree n°2022-1237 of September 16, 2022relating to the conditions for setting up heavy imaging equipment and interventional radiology care activity.

Order of September 16, 2022 (JORF of 09/24/2022) has just repealed the decree of February 28, 1995 which fixed the standard model of exposure certificate and the examination procedures within the framework of the post-professional follow-up of employees who have been exposed to carcinogenic agents or processes.

Order of August 25, 2022  fixing the list of sites presenting a reduced risk and entitling their operators to a reduced amount of liability pursuant to article R. 597-3 of the environment code.

Decree No. 2022-1186 of August 25, 2022 applying article L. 597-4 of the environment code relating to civil liability in the field of nuclear energy and codifying the provisions applicable to sites comprising only installations with reduced risk.

Order of August 18, 2022  modifying the decree of December 15, 2015 relating to the dematerialization of the declaration of installations classified for the protection of the environment.

Decree No. 2022-993 of July 7, 2022 declaring of public utility the deep geological disposal center for high-level and medium-level long-lived radioactive waste Cigéo and bringing the compatibility of the territorial coherence scheme of the Pays Barrois (Meuse ), the local intermunicipal urban plan for Haute-Saulx (Meuse) and the local urban plan for Gondrecourt-le-Château (Meuse).

Decree No. 2022-992 of July 7, 2022  including the deep geological disposal center for long-lived high-level and intermediate-level radioactive waste (Cigéo) among the operations of national interest mentioned in Article R. 102-3 of the town planning code.

Decree No. 2022-696 of April 26, 2022 relating to the post-professional medical surveillance of employees who have been exposed to certain occupational risk factors.

Order of February 15, 2022  laying down the general rules relating to defence-related nuclear facilities and activities.

Decree No. 2022-175 of February 14, 2022  relating to radioactive substances eligible for the recovery operations mentioned in Article R. 1333-6-1 of the Public Health Code.

Decree n°2022-174 of February 14, 2022  relating to the implementation of operations to recover weakly radioactive substances.

Decree No. 2022-114 of February 1, 2022  relating to the technical operating conditions of the nuclear medicine activity.

Order of February 1, 2022  fixing for an authorized site the number of nuclear medicine equipment in application of II of article R. 6123-136 of the public health code.

Order of November 12, 2021  modifying the order of December 18, 2019 relating to the procedures for training the person competent in radiation protection and the certification of training organizations and organizations competent in radiation protection and the order of November 23, 2020 relating to measurements carried out as part of the risk assessment and the verification of the effectiveness of the means of prevention implemented as part of the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing radiation.

Decree n°2021-1091 of August 18, 2021  relating to the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

Order of January 28, 2020 modifying the amended order of May 15, 2006 relating to the conditions for the delimitation and signage of supervised and controlled areas and specially regulated or prohibited areas taking into account exposure to ionizing radiation, as well as to the rules of hygiene, safety and maintenance which are imposed there.

Order of December 18, 2019  relating to the procedures for training the person competent in radiation protection and certifying the training organizations and organizations competent in radiation protection.

Decree No. 2019-1158 of November 8, 2019  fixing certain additions and adaptations of the labor code specific to mines and quarries with regard to ionizing radiation.

Decree n°2019-190 of March 14, 2019  codifying the provisions applicable to basic nuclear installations, the transport of radioactive substances and transparency in nuclear matters.

Decree no. 2018-437 of June 4, 2018  relating to the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing radiation.

Decree no. 2018-438 of June 4, 2018 on protection against the risks due to ionizing radiation to which certain workers are subjected (pregnant women).


Order of November 24, 2009 relating to the conditions for exercising the functions of a person competent in radiation protection external to the establishment. 

(c) ATSR - Mars 2023

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