What is ATSR?
ATAssociation for Radiation Protection Techniques and Sciences
is an Association governed by the law of 1901.
Headquarters: 47, rue Louis Pasteur – 91310 – Leuville sur Orge
Filing of the statutes and declaration made at the sub-prefecture of Palaiseau (91120) under number 256, published in the Official Journal on 06/24/1966, page 5264.
This Association aims to:
to serve as a liaison between the members of the Association and all persons professionally interested in scientific and technical problems relating to the use of ionizing radiation,
to contribute, within its means, to the study and development of radiation protection and the use of ionizing radiation,
to inform the public of the objectives and means of radiation protection,
to help bring the quality of radiation protection education to its highest value.
The moyen ofaction of the acesociety are:
the publication of a (quarterly) review RI: Ionizing Radiation
work meetings
Congresses or scientific days
Founding President of the association:Paul Genty (1933-2022)