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What is ATSR?

ATAssociation for Radiation Protection Techniques and Sciences

is an Association governed by the law of 1901.
Headquarters: 47, rue Louis Pasteur – 91310 – Leuville sur Orge
Filing of the statutes and declaration made at the sub-prefecture of Palaiseau (91120) under number 256, published in the Official Journal on 06/24/1966, page 5264. 


This Association aims to:

  • to serve as a liaison between the members of the Association and all persons professionally interested in scientific and technical problems relating to the use of ionizing radiation,

  • to contribute, within its means, to the study and development of radiation protection and the use of ionizing radiation,

  • to inform the public of the objectives and means of radiation protection,

  • to help bring the quality of radiation protection education to its highest value.


The moyen ofaction of the acesociety are:

  • the publication of a (quarterly) review RI: Ionizing Radiation

  • work meetings

  • Congresses or scientific days



Founding President of the association:Paul Genty (1933-2022)

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