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The Role of the Radiation Protection Advisor

France has transposed the directive directive 2013-59-Euratom don December 5, 2013  laying down the basic standards relating to health protection against the dangers resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation. This directive, which repeals all the previous directives adopted in this area (89/618/Euratom, 90/641/Euratom, 96/29/Euratom, 97/43/Euratom and 2003/122/Euratom), does not upset the European framework, but makes it evolve on several aspects, in particular with regard to exposure to ionizing radiation of natural origin (radon, building materials, etc.), radiological emergency situations or during the management of emergency situations. long-term exposure resulting from pollution by radioactive substances.


The regulatory provisions of the Labor Code relating to radiation protection are amended by the following two decrees:

– Decree No. 2018-437 of June 4, 2018 relating to the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing radiation replaces the provisions set out in Articles R. 4451-1 to R. 4451-144 of the Labor Code in their wording prior to July 1, 2018, as well as those of Decree No. 75-306 of April 28, 1975.
– Decree No. 2018-438 of June 4, 2018 relating to the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing radiationto which some are subject  modifies the provisions of the labor code in their version prior to July 1, 2018 concerning young people, pregnant women as well as employees with a fixed-term employment contract and temporary employees.

So thearticle R.4451-123 of the labor code specifies the missions of the radiation protection advisor :

1 - He gives advice regarding:
a) The design, modification or arrangement of workplaces and safety devices intended to prevent the risks associated with ionizing radiation.
b) Programs for checking work equipment and workplaces as well as methods for monitoring the individual exposure of workers.
c) Appropriate instrumentation for checks and operational dosimeters.
d) Methods of classification of workers.
e) The methods of delimitation and conditions of access to the zones.
f) Preparedness and response to radiological emergencies.

2 -   It provides assistance with regard to:
a) Risk assessment.
b) The definition and implementation of the provisions relating to the measures and means of prevention, in particular those concerning the definition of the dose constraints, the identification and the delimitation of the zones.
c) The definition and implementation of provisions relating to the conditions of employment of workers, in particular those concerning the individual assessment of the risk linked to ionizing radiation, individual protection measures, information and training in the safety of workers.
d) The definition and implementation of provisions relating to the monitoring of the individual exposure of workers in liaison with the occupational physician.
e) Coordination of preventive measures relating to radiation protection.
f) The development of procedures and means for the decontamination of workplaces likely to be.
g) Investigation and analysis of significant events.


3 - Executes or supervises:
a) The measurements provided for in article R. 4451-15.
b) Verification of the effectiveness of the means of prevention.


Furthermore, theToarticle R.1333-19 of the public health code, also taking that the radiation protection adviser:

I - In functionn the nature of the activity carried out:

1- Gives advice regarding:
a) prior examination, from the point of view of radiation protection, of the plans of the installations.
b) Periodic verification of the effectiveness of internal control, procedures and technical devices.
(c) Receipt and control, from the point of view of radiation protection, of new or modified sources of ionizing radiation.
d) Reception and periodic calibration of measuring instruments and periodic verification of their proper functioning and correct use.
(e) optimization of radiation protection and establishment of appropriate dose constraints.
f) Definition of the quality assurance system in place.
g) Definition of the radiological monitoring program for effluents and the environment.
h) The definition of radioactive waste management methods.
i) The definition of the provisions relating to the prevention of significant events, the investigations and analyzes relating to these events and the definition of corrective actions.
(j) Radiological emergency preparedness and emergency response.
(k) the development of appropriate documentation, in particular with regard to prior risk assessment and written procedures.

2 - Executes or supervises the implementation of the radiation protection measures mentioned in 1°.

II - Records the advice mentioned in 1° of I in a form allowing consultation for a period of at least ten years.

III - Gives advice which may be regarded as advice given under 1° of I of this appendix when it relates to the same subject.


IV - In order to ensure that the radiation protection of people and patients is optimized, the person in charge of a nuclear activity may ask the radiation protection adviser to liaise with the medical physicist in the establishments where the procedures are carried out. .

(c) ATSR - Mars 2023

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