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(Competent body en 
radiation protection)

Decree No. 2018-437 of June 4, 2018 relating to the protection of workers against the risks due to ionizing radiation allows the head of establishment establishments with equipment that emits ionizing radiation and that does not have an in-house Radiation Protection Advisor to appoint an OCR (Competent Body in Radiation Protection) in order to implement implements the organization of radiation protection.

The missions and skills of the OCRs are the same as those of the PCRs (People Competent in Radiation Protection) (articles R4451-123 of the Codework et R1333-19 of the Public Health Code).

The decree of December 18, 2019 defines the OCR training methods which must meet the requirements defined in Annexes VIII and IX of the decree.

Appendix VIII is the technical reference for the certification of OCRs and concerns in particular the administrative, legal and economic information or the organizational and material criteria that the organizations must respect in order to be able to benefit from the certification.

Appendix IX sets the report model for services provided by a radiation protection adviser on behalf of a third party.

Finally, the certification process and procedures for organizations competent in radiation protection are set out in appendix VII of the order.

The certificate issued by the certifying body to the competent radiation protection body must be written in French and specify the scope of the latter (article 16 of the order).

Finally, the organization competent in radiation protection is responsible for identifying and listing the various PCRs as well as the people who coordinate all the actions implemented by the organization to fulfill the missions entrusted to it under thearticle R. 4451-123 of the labor code etarticle R. 1333-19 of the public health code  (article 17 of the decree). Once drawn up, this list must be communicated to the certifying body. It is the same with each modification of this list.

(c) ATSR - Mars 2023

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